The Teachers’ Lounge, Loving and Hating Nickelback, and So Much More!
A grab bag of interesting things*
* or at least things I find interesting!
The Teachers’ Lounge is a German film that deals with social pressure and classroom dynamics from the point of view of a teacher who discovers how difficult it can be to do the right thing.
It has a 96% on Rotten Tomatoes, but don’t let that dissuade you from giving it a shot—it’s really good!
It reminded me a bit of The Hunt (2012), one of my all-time favorites in this space or any other space for that matter.
It stars the always excellent Mads Mikkelsen, and the Danish film anticipated the current wave of insanity that’s been washing through our culture. It’s an intimate look at paranoia, groupthink, and what would eventually come to be known as cancel culture.
Don’t let their stoic exteriors fool you, the Danes can be just as unhinged as the rest of us.
A new Netflix documentary also touches on groupthink.
I am very close with someone who is a fan of the much loved and much maligned Canadian supergroup Nickelback. I won’t tell you her name, but I’ll give you a hint: I’m married to her.
When we lived in New York and LA, we’d often partake in the Japanese art of karaoke. Back then all the cool kids hated Nickelback, but this free thinking woman who shall not be named didn’t care.
She’d grab the mic, and belt out “How you remind me.” And you know what? Everybody loved it!
Years later, after watching Nickeback: Hate to Love, this courageous woman feels vindicated.
She was on the right side of history all along.
I love to see this!
from Reconstructing Inclusion tells me he’s organizing a private screening of The Coddling Movie in Oakland this September. He’ll be inviting people from across the DEI and HR space. I’m eager to hear how that goes!
Be sure to check out Amri’s Substack and the thoughtful essay by him we published recently:
Imagine Being Born Deaf, and Feeling Lucky: If We See People as Only Victims or Heroes, We’ll Miss Many Great Stories
And speaking of interesting things from Coddling Movie Contributors, be sure to have a listen to this episode of the ThoughtStretchers Education podcast:
, the director of ThoughtStretchers Education, interviews Cornell University’s Dr. about the Franklin Standards and the sad state of science education.
Randy notes that even his Ivy League students are low in content knowledge and have lost the ability to question. I got a kick out of hearing Randy recall his eclectic education. I didn’t expect the references to moonshine and fox urine!
Make sure to have a look at the latest Coddling Movie contributions from Randy and Drew:
Stop Coddling the Alleged Criminals: Will Cornell Cave to Vandals? (by Randy Wayne)
Want To Teach The Truth? Use Objective Pluralism (by Drew Perkins)